Carolina Castellanos ▶ Carolina Sofrony ▶ Diego Higuera ▶ Natalia Peña ▶ Natalia Valderrama ▶
Plant conservation is an imperative for the survival of human beings and all other species that live on the planet. Plants support an infinity of vital processes, including those that have not yet been discovered, and offer various benefits to human societies, which directly or indirectly owe great part of their development to their close relationship with plants.
The importance of biological diversity and its interest to humanity was recognized internationally in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This convention also recorded the responsability different states and society have in establishing actions for the conservation, sustainable use, and the just and equal distribution of the benefits that derive from the use of biodiversity. With the same purpose, other tools that aim to achieve the objectives of the CBD have been generated. One of these is the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which was received by the Conference of the Parties of CBD in 2002 and constituted the first step towards the development and adoption of goals for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity2.
As a member of the CBD, Colombia has developed both institutional policies and strategies to contribute to the conservation of the biodiversity of the country. In 2001, Colombia pioneered in formulating a National Strategy for Plant Conservation as a guide for the implementation of actions directed towards increasing knowledge, conservation, and sustainable use of Colombian flora, thus creating spaces of integration and vinculating key figures with the topic.
In 2010, the implementation advances of the National Strategy for Plant Conservation were assessed and the initial main themes updated according to the objectives and goals proposed by the Global Strategy 3. In the framework of this revision and as a methodological approach for the implementation of the National Strategy for Plant Conservation, a research and monitoring agenda that included procedures to prioritize species for conservation efforts was proposed because more than 25,000 species in the country must be prioritized. Using these procedures in regional workshops, 307 plant species have already been prioritized in the Caribbean, Orinoquía, and coffee growing region 4,5,6.
Even before its constitution, many initiatives leaded by academics, institutions, and society in general have contributed to the objectives of the National Strategy for Plant Conservation. However, developing an integrated follow-up of such advances has been a challenge.
With the aim of having more specific goals and actions for the implementation of the National Strategy for Plant Conservation in Colombia, in 2014 the Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development), Humboldt Institute, and the Red Nacional de Jardines Botánicos (National Network of Botanical Gardens) started the process of formulating an Action Plan. Such initiative was conceived in order to create a tool that allows for the articulation of scientific knowledge with policies in decision making scenarios in order to manage Colombia’s native flora and strengthen the use of the Política Nacional para la Gestión Integral de la Biodiversidad y sus Servicios Ecosistémicos (National Policy for the Integrated Management of Biodiversity and its Ecosystem Services).
The Action Plan evidences the major challenges regarding conservation, sustainable use, and education, among others. It is a tool that allows for different parts of society (p.e. civil society, government agencies, productive sectors) to identify their role in plant conservation and know about the variety of processes taking place at different levels and scales.
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Goal 4
Goal 5
Goal 6
Goal 7
Goal 8
Goal 9
Goal 10
Goal 11
Goal 12
Goal 13
Goal 14
Goal 15
Goal 16
human food
provision of materials
animal feed
environmental uses
social uses
food for invertebrates
genetic uses